This site contains a collection of photos taken using mobile phones on the events interesting, unique, or describe a place or event that just happens, also contains wonderful photographs from other sites.

This is amaizing of the economic train, all there for you, coffee, instant noodles, rice pecel, satay, mineral water, mijon (brand of drinks), various fruit (oranges, apples longan etc..) Then flip-flops, scissors, flashlights, portable sewing machine .... even old newspapers there, want you?????
Ini enaknya kalo naik kereta ekonomi, semua ada, kopi, mi instan, nasi pecel, sate, air mineral, mijon, aneka buah-buahan (salak, jeruk, apel lengkeng dsb.) trus sandal jepit, gunting, senter, mesin jahit portabel....bahkan koran bekas juga ada, mau?????


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